Review: Juicytox

I’ve recently been working very early mornings presenting on the radio and felt in need of a bit of a pick me up to stay focused and energised throughout the show and so I decided to try out the Juicytox 4 day juice detox. Now let me first say that although the plan is recommended as a juice only detox I’m currently training for both a half marathon and the tough mudder and so it’s wasn’t sensible for me to live on juice alone, I therefore added the juices into my daily diet. I’ve juiced before and totally advocate the mental well-being elements of it and my time on Juicytox certainly didn’t disappoint! Firstly let’s start with the delivery, I ordered my juices at the weekend and they were delivered to me on both the Tuesday & Thursday of the week to ensure they were super fresh. I tried both the premium and platinum packages however I felt that the premium was better for me as an addition to my normal diet. The flavours were gorgeous and easy to have as a drink throughout the day as opposed to something that didn’t taste very nice but you knew you had to have because it was ‘good for you’ .

Platinum Package

Premium Package
I particularly enjoyed both the Drop Veg Gorgeous and Sweet Beet juices. I’m a huge fan of beetroot juice anyway for aiding concentration and focus. It’s always my go to when I’m studying for a new project or in performance as I think it allows me to act and think much more quickly under pressure and so the Sweet Beets juice of the Juicytox range is definitely my favourite! Containing beetroots, carrots, lemon, apple and pineapple it was probably the sweetest of all of the juices i tried and therefore easy to drink throughout the day. Alongside the added concentration levels I was really pleased with the well being benefits I got from the plan. My digestive system felt cleansed after the four days and even though I’d still combined the juices with actual meals, I felt energised and light and found I slept so much better too! The plan requires you to drink plenty of lemon water and so another added benefit i experienced was that my skin became much clearer and brighter and that the whites of my eyes brightened too from the added nutrients of the juices. I know lots of people turn to juicing for weight loss, however for me personally I don’t think that’s the most sensible idea. As an addition to your normal to diet to inject those extra nutrients that we might miss out on whilst eating on the go, then i think it’s a brilliant way to top up your energy levels and boost your concentration and so I will definitely be using Juicytox again!

For more information about Juicytox please visit To receive 10% off of your order use the discount code: Natalie.