Rebuilding Intimacy After a Relationship Setback

Sometimes, we experience unexpected setbacks while in a relationship. These can range from challenges such as betrayal or a major life change. And while we can’t always control the causes of these, many of us are faced with the prospect of overcoming them. 

A big part of rebuilding a relationship with someone revolves around intimacy, which can sometimes get lost in these situations. Intimacy includes both emotional and physical elements, which require commitment and patience from both parties.

A big part of rebuilding a relationship with someone revolves around intimacy.

Intimacy includes both emotional and physical elements, which require commitment and patience from both parties.

Practice active listening where possible and do so without judgment to allow the relationship to move forward.

Good Communication

Communication plays a huge role in any relationship. Honest chats about how you’re feeling and how you’d like to progress the relationship are very important in this more fragile stage. It’s important to let each other know how you’re feeling. 

Part of this involves being vulnerable by sharing your fears and desires. And remember, listening intently is just as important as sharing your thoughts and feelings. Practice active listening where possible and do so without judgment to allow the relationship to move forward.

Sexual Health

Some couples may feel concerned about their sexual health after a setback with their partner. There may be a risk that one or the other may have been sexually intimate with another person, in which case taking a proactive approach is essential to ensure overall health and also the rebuilding of trust within the relationship.

If you’re concerned that you or your partner could have contracted an STI during a break or setback with your partner you can iron out any concerns you might have by getting tested. This can be done at a clinic with your health care practitioner or in the privacy of your own home.

If you’re concerned that you or your partner could have contracted an STI (STD) you can iron out any concerns you might have by getting tested.

Testing for STI’s can be done at a clinic with your health care practitioner or in the privacy of your own home.

For example you can order a chlamydia test straight to your door helping you to get answers quickly and discreetly, and most importantly settling any worries you might have. Engaging in an open and honest conversation with your partner and taking action should you need to will allow you to both to have full disclosure and thus move forward with your relationship.

Rediscovering Physical Affection

Being physically affectionate with someone you’ve grown apart from or who has broken your trust can be difficult. But that’s not to say you can’t rebuild this over time. You’ll need to wait until you’re both on the same page and go at a comfortable pace for the two of you.

Physical affection has its own scale – even small gestures count. Holding someone’s hand, giving them a cuddle or simply being near someone counts. 

Holding someone’s hand, giving them a cuddle or simply being near someone counts. 

Work towards a simple kiss before taking things any further. Once you feel a deeper connection you can move towards deeper intimacy.

Taking Small Steps 

Remember, no one is expecting you to rush back into things. It’s perfectly understandable to want to take your time. You might need to rebuild trust or ease back into spending time together again. Emotional intimacy is something that can’t be refigured overnight. Even if your connection isn’t currently as deep as you might hope, that doesn’t mean it can’t return if you give it enough time and patience.

Even watching TV together can be one of the first steps towards greater intimacy.

Creating new memories together is a great goal as you work on healing your relationship together. 

Take things at your own pace. If you both want the same end goal, then this shouldn’t be an issue. Tap into each other’s love languages, whether this is quality time or acts of service, to rebuild your connection over time. Creating new memories together is a great goal as you work on healing your relationship together. 

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