Get Glowing Skin This Summer - 5 Simple Ways

Summer is here, and that means lots of opportunities to enjoy the warmer weather, wear our best summer clothes, and generally spend more time outside. However, many of us feel apprehensive about doing this because our skin isn't quite at its best. Fortunately, there are several simple ways you can ensure your skin glows this summer that will help your confidence shine.  Just keep reading to find out what they are. 

Protect your skin from the sun 

One of the most common ways people get their skin to glow is by sitting outside in the sun and getting a tan! The problem with this is that it's incredibly bad for, if not downright dangerous your skin and health in the long term.  What that means is instead of aiming for a natural tan,  using a self-tanner is a much better idea. Additionally,, be sure to include SPF 30 or more in your skincare routine every day. For your face be sure to look for foundations or primers that have high SPF protection. 

Choose products that match your skin type 

There are so many skincare products out there that it's natural to feel overwhelmed. But what can help here is that not all skin products will suit your needs, so just look out for the ones that do.  That means if you have oily skin, you’ll want products that are made specifically for this issue such as stronger, more astringent cleansers, and toners. You’ll also want a non-greasy moisturizer. 

On the other hand, if you have dryer skin, you’ll need more gentle cleansers and toners, as you’ll want to get clean without stripping all the natural oils from the skin. You also likely want a heavier moisturizer to ensure your skin stays as hydrated as possible. You may even consider using a process known as ‘slugging’ which you can see described in the video below. 

Similarly, if you have a specific skin issue such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and the like using products particularly made to manage it can be helpful. For example, if you have rosacea then there are special cleansers, colour correctors, and moisturizers designed to help reduce the redness. 

Embrace non-surgical procedures 

While heavy plastic surgery is all the rage with film stars and famous people, there is no need to do anything so drastic to your skin. Instead, you can often get comparable, although more natural-looking results from things like botox treatments. The great thing about Botox is that it's just a simple injection that requires no general anaesthetic and can be done very accurately to target any specific concerns you have about facial skin issues including reducing a gummy smile, getting rid of the forehead line, and reshaping and lifting the brow.  

Keep your face clean 

It may sound simple, but you’d be surprised at how many people forget this foundational skincare step. First of all, you need to cleanse and moisturize your skin in the morning after you’ve slept because this creates the perfect base for your makeup for the day. 

Secondly, facial skin is delicate and rarely if ever needs to be scrubbed. Instead, use a chemical exfoliant no more than once a week.  Lastly, be sure to invest in some supersoft washing cleansing clothes for your face as these will help you remove any makeup before bed in a gentle way. 

Keep your makeup clean 

Another way you can make sure that your skin glows this summer is to not only keep your face clean but your make-up too. After all, your makeup has direct contact with your face so any dirt, debris and bacteria that it holds will too! Indeed, if you don’t practice clean makeup habits you can find yourself with unwanted blemishes, reddish, rashes and pimples this summer. 

With that in mind be sure to wash your brushes, sponges and applicators regularly. This means using shampoo to remove as much product as you can, then rinsing them, and leaving them to fully dry. Do not use brushes when they are still wet as this can encourage fungal infections. 

Another important aspect of keeping your makeup clean is throwing away any old items once they have passed their use-by date. Unlike food, makeup items do not have a specific date printed on them. Instead, there is a small container symbol with the number of months you can keep the product once it's been opened, so be sure to check your makeup stash every so often for products that have become out of date.