10 Best Low Carb 'On The Go' Snacks.

We've all heard that a high protein, low carb diet is the best for slimming down for the summer, but with so many carbalicious snacks, sandwiches and even salads (I'm thinking the mayonnaise laden pasta versions) filling the shelves at your nearest boots, tesco express and sainsburys local etc it can make eating healthily on the run particularly difficult. However the lovely lot at LIVESTRONG have compiled a list of the 10 best low carb on the go snacks to keep you satisfied without caving in to the crisps.

Sweet and savory while still keeping the carb count down? Yes, it’s possible. Cottage cheese is a nutritious, low-carb staple. Three quarters of a cup with four thinly sliced strawberries supply 15 percent of your daily calcium needs and almost half of your vitamin C requirements. You can vary the flavors by swapping out the strawberries for blueberries or raspberries, and also try seasoning with cinnamon or adding vanilla extract for extra sweetness. CARBS: 10 grams.

Prefer to make your munchies from scratch? Good idea: You’ll know exactly what you’re eating -- no added sugars, preservatives or other crazy ingredients you can’t pronounce. Sharon Richter, a New York-based registered dietitian from HealthiNation, recommends turkey roll-ups as a simple snack you can prepare ahead of time and then stash in your bag for later. To make them her way, take a slice of turkey and wrap it around a pickle slice along with a very thin slice of avocado and tomato. The lean protein and monounsaturated fat combo will keep you feeling full longer -- and less tempted by the office vending machine. CARBS: 9 grams (for three roll-ups).

Lifeway’s BioKefir isn’t quite a smoothie, but that’s the best way to describe this dairy drink that looks, tastes and smells like one. Made of kefir, which is similar to yogurt but a richer source of live and active probiotics (the healthy bacteria that can boost the immune system and aid digestion), these 3.5-ounce shots have as much protein as a whole medium egg. Two flavors worth having on hand at home or work are BioKefir Blackberry, which contains 30 percent of your daily calcium needs, and BioKefir Pomegranate Blueberry, which meets 100 percent of your vitamin C needs. (lifewaykefir.com) CARBS: 10 grams.

A childhood favorite is new again. For a quick, high-protein energy boost, try the totally portable ants on a log. Peanut butter is a great source of healthy fats and satiating protein. The key is to use natural peanut butter made with just peanuts (and salt, if desired) -- avoid butters with any added oils or sugar. Celery gives you a satisfying crunch, and the raisins add a touch of sweetness. CARBS: 10 grams (for two logs).

Forget the portion police! With Sabra’s Classic Hummus Singles, it’s OK to clean out the container in one sitting (something that’s been known to happen when somebody cracks open the family-size version too). This two-ounce pack is just the right amount to satisfy a savory craving and keep you full until your next meal, especially when you use it as a dip for peppers or celery. (sabra.com) CARBS: 9 grams.

To read the complete article please visit LIVESTRONG.