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Tips to Keep Your Valuables Sparkling & Secure

The accumulation of ‘nice things’ is practically an inevitability, whatever your style of living or level of income; as a species, we seem more aligned with magpies than most when it comes to object d’art. Even minimalists have their vices! For many, one such vice is jewellery.

Jewellery is often considered in a singular way by those not on-board; they see inflated prices and market tat, brass counterfeits and avarice. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. While there are some that see investment in jewellery as a projection of status, most find genuine value in the items they collect – and in the vast majority of cases, there is far more sentimental value attached than there is financial value.

Regardless the provenance of your own jewellery collection’s value, you’ll naturally want to protect it. Even with crimes like robbery largely on the decline, the risk nonetheless remains – and there’s nothing worse than the feeling of what might have been after a burglary. With this in mind, below are some key steps you can take to protect your jewellery from theft and more.

Keeping your valuables secure

Let’s start with the obvious – the direct protection of your jewellery. Whatever the condition and value of your jewellery, you don’t want it immediately on show at home in the event that someone takes the opportunity for theft. Even something like a jewellery box can minimise the chance that something goes missing, purely for the fact that most burglaries are explosive, grab-what-you-see events.

Of course, if you have especially expensive, wear-once-a-year items in your collection, these may warrant a little more protection. Something like a home safe, to be stored in the foot of your wardrobe, is a great start; no one’s getting in in a hurry, and no one’s running away with it either.

Making your home safe from burglary

Of course, any jewellery-related protective measures you do enact should only ever be the final deterrent. Really, no one should be able to make their way into your home to begin with – and you don’t want to be penalised for leaving a necklace or watch out in the open one night. Investing in a proper alarm system for your home is a great idea, whether it wakes you up in time to chase someone away or alerts the neighbours in time to call the police.

Looking after your gold and jewellery 

Keeping your jewellery safe isn’t just about protecting it from theft. Where important jewellery like a ring is concerned, time and wear are also dangerous variables. As such, you should be of a mind to keep your regularly-worn items well-looked-after. Gold and silver can tarnish over time, particularly when in contact with sweat; luckily, they can be cleaned easily with washing-up liquid, or deep-cleaned in an ultrasonic bath. Doing this regularly will preserve their looks, and their value, for years to come.


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