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Supporting Your Mental Health During a Divorce

Few legal processes are quite as stressful as a divorce. On top of all of the emotional pain that’s inherent in separating from a spouse, there’s a great deal of legal procedure to wade through. As such, it’s worth getting the right support for your mental health as you go through with it.

Seeking professional support

In some cases, the investment in professional support is sure to be worthwhile. A therapist will understand all of the symptoms you’re going through, and they might have practical strategies through which you can deal with them. Therapy might be particularly useful if your therapist has particular experience and expertise in dealing with divorce cases.

If you have the right support, you might be in a better position to support your children. For them, the ordeal might be even more painful, because divorce can easily inspire guilt and blame among the children caught up in it. In some cases, it might even be worth looking at group therapy that involves you and the children.

Building a strong support network

Being able to lean on friends and family can also be extremely useful during this time. Ensure you have someone you can chat with occasionally. It’s often not necessary to go through every facet of the separation with them – or even talk to them about the divorce at all. What matters is that you have a social outlet, and someone who can help take your mind off things. This might come in the form of a club or social activity, like sport. Provided that the activity doesn’t encourage negative behaviours like drinking, it’ll be a net positive for you and your family. 

Obtaining Reliable Legal Support

If you don’t have the right lawyer on your side, then you might find that the divorce process is much more stressful than it otherwise would be. Look for a solicitor that specialises in family law, and entrust them with your case. This way, you’ll not only stand a better chance of enjoying a positive outcome – you’ll also get peace of mind along the way. Good lawyers tend to be good reassurers!

Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle Habits

When you’re going through a stressful divorce, it can be easy to allow your mental and physical health to deteriorate, and bad habits to creep in. You might spend more time dipping into the fridge, or drinking more than you should.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to be proactive about wellness. Allocate time for mindfulness meditation and physical exercise. Cut out alcohol and social media, and fill your time with something positive. Taking up a new hobby could be a great idea! 

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With honest chats, expert advice and real insight, Natalie talks all aspects of women’s wellbeing & mental health with weekly special guests.

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