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Elevating The Everyday with Anna

Anna Mewes

As soon as I heard we were going into lockdown there was one thing I knew wouldn’t change; the fact that I would get up, put my face on and get dressed in something that makes me feel good every day.

Even though I’m not going anywhere, even though I’m not seeing anyone, everyday since the first day of lockdown (bar Sundays when I would always have a chilled/make-up dress down day anyway) I have got up, got dressed and gone about my day - within my four walls with only the cats, the kids and the hubs to see me (and none of whom give a monkeys how I look).

Why go to all that effort when I’m not going to see anybody? 

For me it’s simple; how I look directly and massively impacts on how I feel and how productive I am. Hanging out in my joggers day-in-day out doesn’t appeal one little bit - and it would seem I’m not alone.

I have been a personal stylist since training in 2012 and during that time I have seen over 1,000 women and been on my own style journey; gaining weight and losing confidence after having my second child, finding myself with a loss of my sense of identity and self esteem along the way. 

My experience with my clients, as well as my own personal journey, has led me to the strong belief that paying attention to our personal style is a form of self care and at times like this, when our whole world has been turned upside down, it shouldn’t be neglected.

To be clear; I know a new frock isn’t going to fix all our problems, BUT just like a warm bath with a good book, a daily yoga class or a walk in the sunshine can revive you and elevate your mood, so can putting on something that makes you look and feel great.

Instagram @ninaandbecs

I’ve been keen to spread the message; GET UP, DRESS UP, SHOW UP far and wide in recent weeks and have taken to instagram every day to do live chats imparting knowledge on signature style, body shapes and colours. The response has been huge, with hundreds watching each day and numbers continuing to rise.

Let’s face it - a few days of slobbing around in our old tracksuit is novel, but long term it isn’t great for our confidence, our body image or our productivity levels so I’m here to encourage you to take the time for a little self love and to show up for yourself every day.

1. Banish the joggers/PJs to weekends only - I do make-up free Sundays in leggings and a comfy sweater and it feels like a treat because it’s just for one day each week (it also helps mark out the weekends from the weekdays that are slowly starting to merge into one let’s be honest!)

2. Rotate your wardrobe - make sure you don’t mindlessly reach for the same items each day. Set yourself a simple task of wearing every item in your wardrobe once before repeat wearing anything - this process will ensure you don’t get bored but will also help you weed out items you’re not loving so you can streamline your wardrobe at the same time.

3. Don’t forget to accessorise - jewellery often has sentimental meaning attached to it so wearing it is a wonderful reminder of loved ones we may currently be separated from.

4. colour - an instant reviver when the correct shades are worn next to the face! Different colours will evoke different moods. Try blues or greens if you’re feeling anxious as they tend to have a calming effect, reds denote passion and energy whereas yellow is a friendly, happy colour to lift both your mood and whoever you’re on a Zoom conference call with that day!

5. Wear actual footwear - during week one of lockdown I was putting on lovely outfits but leaving my slippers on, which ruined the look somewhat. I now make a point of completing  my outfit with a pair of trainers or sandals and then switching to my slippers in the evening. Not only do I feel more put together, it’s also a great way of transitioning from daytime/work/school mode into evening/relax mode.

When all is said and done, my firm belief is to simply put something on that feels GOOD. Even if it’s just a slick of lipgloss or taking the time to style your hair properly, those little touches not only provide a little ‘me time’ and escapism but will also make us smile whenever we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror. Right now I think we could use all the smiles and positivity we can get.

You can join me at 10.30am every weekday over on instagram for my style talks @annamewes

If you’d like to delve further into looking and feeling your best every day you can join my 25 day style solution challenge, launching on Monday 13th April - full details here - 

Read my style blog and view my online style services here - 

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